E-Governance: Origin, challenges, and prospects in the era of ICTs and artificial intelligence


  • Marwa KHOUYA



Mots-clés :

E-governance, public governance, information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence


Nowadays, information and communication technologies are revolutionizing all aspects of our daily lives. Public governance has grown up to take advantage of them. The integration of ICTs has generated the e-Governance concept, which has significantly improved the delivery of public services to all citizens, and consequently the overall objective of improving the performance of governance systems at all levels, as well as strengthening the public governance framework of the whole society. By exploring the origin and evolution of e-governance over time and space, this research highlights theoretical and empirical findings about the potential implications of ICT integration in public governance systems. Additionally, opportunities for effective integration of ICT into local governance systems were identified and discussed, based on concrete examples of effective implementation. Afterwards, this paper provides several challenges currently facing e-governance, including Internet access, security and privacy, ethical regulation, professional skills and environmental issues. Finally, it discusses the perspectives raised by artificial intelligence (AI) as it evolves to improve data-driven decision-making, automate repetitive tasks and enable personalized services.


Biographie de l'auteur


(ORCID : 0000-0001-7827-3584*), Doctor of management sciences
Laboratory of Researches in Management and Organizational Sciences,
National School of Business and Management, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco




Comment citer

Marwa KHOUYA. (2023). E-Governance: Origin, challenges, and prospects in the era of ICTs and artificial intelligence. African Scientific Journal, 3(18), 884. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8319464


