The quality of higher education in the digital age and the challenge of employability


  • Sabrine Bourray


Mots-clés :

digital transformation, teaching quality in higher education, employability


Today, digitalization is a national priority for socio-economic development and competitiveness in most sectors, and the higher education sector is no exception. Morocco is part of a new dynamic aimed at improving the quality of higher education and modernizing its practices through, in particular, the establishment of devices, putting the learner at the center of educational action, while integrating ICT in the world of teaching and education, to improve performance, quality and productivity, and this to make it a lever for development.

This research work is a contribution to the evaluation of the impact of the integration of ICT in higher education on the quality of learning and teaching, for the benefit of university students. To carry out this task, we have opted for a combination of the qualitative and quantitative approach in order to understand the subject in its entirety, the collection of the data analyzed in this study is carried out using a questionnaire developed and completed online by university students who have used ICT in their learning activities. Our results show the craze for digital which could be justified, on the one hand, by the widespread use of ICT by students and teachers in their lives, on the other hand, the availability, simplicity and accessibility of applications on smartphones, and laptops facilitate and encourage the use of educational platforms as an alternative, in this respect the present results deserve to be deepened in order to guide the transition to digital at the Moroccan university and to register, therefore in the quality assurance process.


Biographie de l'auteur

Sabrine Bourray

Docteur en Economie et gestion, Université Mohammed V Rabat, Maroc




Comment citer

Sabrine Bourray. (2023). The quality of higher education in the digital age and the challenge of employability. African Scientific Journal, 3(18), 017.


