ISANGI TERRITORY: millions invested, development untraceable


  • Benjamin BEMBONGA Moganga
  • Trésor AGUBA Manzanga
  • Patrick MATATA Makalamba



Development projects, food security, Malnutrition, Agricultural production, Territory


This reflection is a panoramic view thrown on the Territory of Isangi in the Province of Tshopo in the Democratic Republic of Congo which, due to its location on the Congo River and its natural resources, is the popular destination for most technical partners and financiers intervening in the integral development sector. For many reasons of several orders, these projects do not impact overall well-being in the long term.To present this situation, the present cogitation resorts to the descriptive method of the following aspects: economy, agricultural development projects, agriculture, food security and nutrition as well as health and education.The disappearance of almost all agricultural enterprises over time, thus creating large-scale unemployment to which are added several other structural and organizational factors present a bleak picture of the socio-economic situation: drop in production, food insecurity, malnutrition , diseases, dilapidated economic infrastructure, poverty, etc

Author Biographies

Benjamin BEMBONGA Moganga

Chercheur en stratégies de survie et moyens d’existence, Faculté des sciences économiques de l’Université de Kisangani, RDC

Trésor AGUBA Manzanga

Expert de Cellule d’analyse des indicateurs de développement-Primature RDC

Patrick MATATA Makalamba

Expert de Cellule d’analyse des indicateurs de développement-Primature RDC, E-mail : [email protected]
Patrick MATATA Makalamba, Professeur, Faculté des Sciences économiques, Université de Kisangani, RDC



How to Cite

Benjamin BEMBONGA Moganga, Trésor AGUBA Manzanga, & Patrick MATATA Makalamba. (2023). ISANGI TERRITORY: millions invested, development untraceable. African Scientific Journal, 3(18), 735.


